

1. The player have to prevent the ball from touching the ground. 2. If the ball leaves the field it is point for the opposite team. 3. The team can only give three touches as maxim. 4.It is necessary to go rotating of positions when a when the player of the opposite teams fails serve . 5. A player can not touch the net . 6.A player can not give two touches . 7. The ball have to pass over the net two make it point. 8.If a team marks a point it re-draws the team that has scored . 9.A player can finish at any height. 10.If a team pulls it out and pulls it out opposing team . 11. A player can give the ball with  any part of the body . 12. A player is not allowed to play with reloges bracelets etc 13. The player has to play with the appropiate luggage . The luggage is the T-shirt has to have a number of the player


1. What is volleyball ?  The volleyball  is a sport game played in a field between two teams of six players which play a teams on each side of the net. The two teams most try not to drop the ball and try to score the opposing team. 2.How long does volleyball match take?  The match don't have time limit . A volleyball match have 3 sets of 25 points , sometimes the match have 5 sets . 3.How is a volleyball field ? The volleyball field has several zones . The principals zones are zone of attack and defense zone . I HOPE YOU LIKED THEM AND HAVE LEARNED !!!! UNTIL NEXT TIME .


Hi ,I'm Nerea Marhuenda Fuentes , I'm 14 years old . I'm a student of the high school " IES Maria Blasco " in San Vicente del Raspeig . This blog it's about volleyball because it's my favorite sport . I play volleyball for a year and I would like to talk about this sport from the point of view of a player.